All Blacks leadership guru Gilbert Enoka tours NZ with Rice Speir

Rice Speir had the privilege of presenting Gilbert Enoka at North Island and South Island functions for our clients to celebrate dealing with adversity and mental resilience.

Enoka is the All Blacks’ leadership manager.  He has a long history of success as a mental skills coach with New Zealand’s corporate and sporting elite and is internationally renowned for his 18-year history with the All Blacks.

Gilbert shared his key messages:

  • There are no silver bullets or magic solutions
  • High performers don’t need rules…just a strong purpose
  • Success is a lousy teacher
  • Culture eats strategy for breakfast
  • Be at your best when your best is needed.

Best of all – no matter how educated, talented, rich or cool you believe you are – how you treat people ultimately tells all.  Gilbert re-affirmed in my mind the importance of culture in the workplace.  In his words:

“You can have all the strategies in the world, but in the end, what will enable you to overachieve – or underachieve – is your culture. We nourish the All Blacks culture every day by drawing from our rich Maori heritage. In our cornerstone philosophies, the team towers above the individual. You’ll never succeed on your own, but you will be successful as an individual if the team functions well.

As the custodian of the culture, I make sure everyone has a sense of belonging… Too many organisations focus on the vision and values when they should feed a sense of belonging instead.”

Thank you Gilbert.

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